The Henry Grant Foundation is an organization dedicated to the advancement of knowledge for the improvement of people's lives. It was founded in 2016 in the wake of the Flint, Michigan water crisis and the Dakota Access protests and assisted in getting information and resources to those who needed them. Since then, we have been working through charity organizations to try to give those in our communities access to the resources they need to survive and thrive.
At the core of our beliefs are that science, engineering and knowledge of our universe will lead to environmentalism, and that education is literally the key to everything, the fundamental building blocks upon which everything else stands. By helping to educate people then environmentalism is the logical conclusion. What happens to the environment happens to us, and if we understand the universe around us, it will inform us how we keep the environment and ourselves safe, and the survival of the human race is ultimately our purpose.
While this is a non-political organization, it is a necessary consequence that anyone working to spread misinformation, either unknowingly or on purpose need to be challenged as often as possible. We do not do this through censorship or any kind of suppression, but through explaining the truth with evidence to back it up. With the rise of social media, there has also been a rise in anti-science, anti-intellectualism and there is even serious discussion about the idea that knowledge itself is somehow wrong or evil. We do not care who your favorite candidate is or your party affiliation. If you're interested in evidence-based information, if you think that getting to the truth is more important than being right, then the Foundation wants you to sound off, and hopefully get involved.
The truth isn't easy. It requires engaging distasteful subjects rather than just ignoring them or suppressing them. It requires free thought and free expression and free speech. It is easy to SAY you are for truth, but when the truth contradicts what you believe, then it is a test of how much you value truth over what you think.
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